Image: Flow Visualization - A Course in the Physics and Art of Fluid Flow
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Combustion Experiment Guidelines
1) Choose a non-flammable location. On a concrete pad outdoors is a good choice.
2) Have an ABC fire extinguisher on hand.
3) Have a bucket of sand or expanded mica on hand to absorb spilled liquid fuels.
4) Do not work alone. At least have an observer who can call for help if needed.
5) Have a cell phone available. Be able to give directions your location.
6) Use appropriate PPE, (protective personal equipment), such as goggles when working with liquid fuels, leather gloves when handling hot objects, keep long hair and scarves tied back, etc.
7) Consider using a Pyrex shield for the camera and operators.
8) Keep a safe distance. Operate spray cans from a distance using an actuator of some sort.