Tie-Dye Milk Rings: dish soap dropped into milk containing red and blue food coloring creates a surface-tension driven (Marangoni) flow

Tie-Dye Milk Rings: dish soap dropped into milk containing red and blue food coloring creates a surface-tension driven (Marangoni) flow

Dropping dish soap into milk containing red and blue food coloring creates a surface-tension driven (Marangoni) flow.

By Michael Lloyd for Get Wet 2016

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23 Comments. Leave new

  • Katie Gresh
    Sep 21, 2016 21:51

    1. The swirls of dye are artistically and visually appealing.
    2. The flow details are clearly visible.
    3. The photographic technique is very good and the colors are aesthetically pleasing.

  • Schuyler Vandersluis
    Sep 21, 2016 12:30

    The amount of detail in this image is awesome. I like how the focus is right at the center of the mixing. Great Job!

  • Sierra Castillo
    Sep 20, 2016 19:48

    The colors work really well together. I like the distinct rings formed from the blue. I like the reflection of the light off of the glass, but perhaps the image would be a little more aesthetically pleasing if it was symmetrical and included the entire rim.

  • Tiangen Ge
    Sep 18, 2016 21:19

    Great image! Really like the tone. The red looks pretty soft. The mixed colors in the container look like a human pupil.

  • Marcus Gurule
    Sep 18, 2016 11:08

    I really like the use of complimentary colors in this photo. I would recommend removing the glass from the photo as it distracts the viewer. Great work!

  • Jeremiah Chen
    Sep 16, 2016 23:28

    Art: The red and blue make an interesting and cool contrast.

    Flow: The flow is aesthetically pleasing.

    Photography: The way the milk and dye take up the entire image limits all other distractions.

  • Sean Harrison
    Sep 15, 2016 20:59

    Focus in center really helps to draw the eye into the center features. Dark background helps the image to really pop. Also, the sharpness of the glass adds to the overall appeal of the image, well done.

  • Preston Marcoux
    Sep 15, 2016 14:36

    I love that the color contrast almost resembles Broncos colors. The colors interacting is very pleasing, and the focus is crisp. I know others weren’t to excited to see the glass in the picture but I think it enhances it.

  • Harrison Lien
    Sep 15, 2016 10:43

    The art of this photo is nice, good coloring. The flow on this photo is intriguing, that blue ring on the outside is pretty cool. Nice photographic technique; the illuminated ring on the right side lends itself to being a potential distraction.

  • Joseph Straccia
    Sep 14, 2016 19:10

    I like the colors in this photo and the patterns of both concentric rings and radial streaking is very interesting. The action was caught at the right time in what I’m sure was a very dynamic scene. The background was also effectively kept black so that it does not distract from the subject. I can’t decide if the framing feels pleasing or not. If the framing was not intentional that may be a good thing to be cognitive of in future photos.

  • Alexander Thompson
    Sep 14, 2016 16:26

    Great use of colors to show patterns in the milk flow that couldn’t be captured otherwise. Artistically, it is pleasing that the coloring is centered in the milk but interesting that it is not symmetric. Great job adding your own spin to a common fluids experiment.

  • Mark Noel
    Sep 14, 2016 12:51

    1. I like the color contrast
    2. Great focus and lighting
    3. I actually like the glass in the image

  • Michael Waterhouse
    Sep 14, 2016 12:51

    Art: Effective use of the dye in the milk. Flow: Details are visible. Photographic technique: Good distance from the camera to the glass.

  • Daniel Luber
    Sep 14, 2016 12:51

    I think this image could use a little more saturation. The colors looked a little washed out in my opinion. i appreciate the creativity of the procedure

  • Ryan Walker
    Sep 14, 2016 12:50

    A. Very pleasing use of colors
    B. You did a great job illustrating the food coloring/milk flow
    C. I like how there is some empty black space on the right side instead of the milk taking up the whole photo.

  • Hunter Miller
    Sep 14, 2016 12:50

    The colors are really interesting, definitely draws the eye to the center. even the glass ring around the edge is interesting with its reflection. I like the lighting as well. Is the lighting red of blue?

  • James Julian
    Sep 14, 2016 12:50

    Art: The color contrast between the different colors is beautiful.
    Flow: The flow is understandable and easily recognized.
    Photographic technique: The circles created by the interaction between the milk, color dye, and the soap is well formed and the execution of the picture is well timed.

  • Theo Petrides
    Sep 14, 2016 12:50

    – Interesting how the blue sways more towards one side than the other.
    – The flow is understandable and shows great colors.
    – Would focus on removing the sides of the dish out of the photo to focus more on just the tie-dye of the flow.
    – Reminds me of Colorado sunsets.

  • Branden Goldenberg
    Sep 14, 2016 12:49

    More contrast would make the image pop out more. Seeing a more white color for the brightest area of the photo would possibly add more depth. The image is a beautiful display of the mixing of colors, very pleasing to the eye.

  • Brett Sibel
    Sep 14, 2016 12:49

    Art: I love the mix of primary colors. Possibly add more color in future.
    Flow: Great mix of colors and I really enjoy the circular flow in the center.
    Photographic Technique: I also did food coloring in a glass and enjoyed how you kept it in the glass.

  • Jason Savath
    Sep 14, 2016 12:49

    The art was made using simple household ingredients. The color choice naturally brings out the contrast in the image. The flow is easily seen because of the varying colors. However, the image itself is on the dark side and needs to be brighter.

  • Ryan Daniel
    Sep 14, 2016 12:49

    Nice sharp focus and very vivid colors really show the neat interaction of the food coloring, soap, and milk.

  • Alexander Rosenberry
    Sep 14, 2016 12:49

    Nice colors and action. THe way the colors and dyes are interacting with the soap is very pleasing to the eye. Good focus. The only issue is the glass is still in view, and distracts from the image’s artistic quality.


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