Cirrostratus clouds forming over the Utah Desert near Indian Creek.
Clouds Second-Bateman-Altocirrus, Cirrostratus and Altocumulus Clouds above the Utah Desert

Clouds Second-Bateman-Altocirrus, Cirrostratus and Altocumulus Clouds above the Utah Desert
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Flow Vis Guidebook
- Introduction to the Guidebook
- Overview 1: Phenomena. Why Does It Look Like That?
- Overview 2: Visualization Techniques
- Overview 3: Lighting
- Overview 4 - Photography A: Composition and Studio Workflow
- Overview 4 - Photography B: Cameras
- Overview 4 - Photography C: Lenses - Focal Length
- Overview 4 - Photography C: Lenses - Aperture and DOF
- Overview 4: Photography D: Exposure
- Overview 4 - Photography E - Resolution
- Overview 5 - Post-Processing
- Clouds 1: Names
- Clouds 2: Why Are There Clouds? Lift Mechanism 1: Instability
- Clouds 3: Skew - T and Instability
- Clouds 4: Clouds in Unstable Atmosphere
- Clouds 5: Lift Mechanism 2 - Orographics
- Clouds 6: Lift Mechanism 3 - Weather Systems
- Boundary Techniques - Introduction
- Dye Techniques 1 - Do Not Disturb
- Dye Techniques 2 - High Visibility
- Dye Techniques 3 - Light Emitting Fluids
- Refractive Index Techniques 1: Liquid Surfaces
- Refractive Index Techniques 2: Shadowgraphy and Schlieren
- Particles 1- Physics: Flow and Light
- Particles 2: Aerosols
- Particles 3: In Water
- Particles 4 -Dilute Particle Techniques
- Art and Science
- TOC and Zotpress test
- Photons, Wavelength and Color
15 Comments. Leave new
Very cool location, so much so that it may be distracting. good cloud formations, and good focus.
This looks like a postcard! Great job keeping the beautiful colors in the rocks. I love the clouds and how they contrast so nicely with the reds and blues.
Wow. I love this image as it portrays the beautiful desert along with the deep blue sky. Very aesthetically pleasing.
Cool location for the cloud photo. I like this version of the editing. I find the clouds from the center to upper right to be the most interesting.
The bleak desert background against the stark white sky provides a nice contrast. However, the posted image seems a little blurry, possibly compress it less in the future. The focus of the image is excellent.
1. Nice image. Great location.
2. The physics are well shown.
3. The photographic technique is very nice- reminiscent of a large landscape composition which sometimes look good with a rectangular horizontal shape.
It looks like there is some extra detail in the clouds you could bring out but overall impressive shot! Great choice including the rock formations. Awesome contrast between the warm earthy tones and the cool blue sky
This image feels quite dramatic. The foreground gives a lot of contrast to all the clouds in the background. The clouds could use a bit more definition and contrast. Overall great photo.
Art: I really like the color contrast of the red desert against the sky. I really like the inherent nature of desert shots like this where the desert makes for such a dramatic picture.
Flow: The flow is quickly understandable and easily recognized.
Photographic technique: The focus of the clouds is great, and I do like the depth of field used with the capturing of the desert and the sky.
Way to get out there and get photos in a different environment. The wide open landscape with no visible roads, trails, or structures is striking. Makes me think of one of those old western films.
The sandstone cliff is very dramatic. A majestic foreground and some very cool clouds hanging around. It would be very cool if you could have captured a cloud formation that is as dramatic as the cliffs, but it’s a very well captured photo.
I really like how the foreground is included into this image. It is cool how the clouds transform as they get closer to where the image is taken. Nice work!
Awesome landscape chosen for this image. This picture captures these cloud structures really nicely. I like how the clouds span over the entire sky.
Utah! Gotta love the landscape here! I like the saturation of the colors in the foreground in contrast with the blue blue of the sky. Interesting textures of the clouds.
Wow the colors are so rich. The foreground is more beautiful and draws the eye more than the clouds. Great focus and quality.