This image by Rachel Grosskruege is an excellent intersection of aesthetics and science. The image was taken by using a non-newtonian fluid known as oobleck, which was poured onto a large speaker. Oobleck is a stress-thickening fluid which experiences a dynamic change in viscosity based on forces and pressures applied to the fluid. In particular, the phenomenon that creates dynamic viscosity is known as “sideways shearing force.” As non-newtonian fludis are not common in our day to day life, this was an excellent example of a scientific specimen. While the use of color was reserved, vibrant colors do not distract from the intricate physics that take place.
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3rd place. The lighting gives incredible depth.
Second Prize: The lighting in this photo reflects off the splash beautifully, the color contrast is interesting and very unique.
Second Prize. This is an interesting, more chaotic take on the red milk drop, with several crowns and secondary peaks. The milk’s opacity lends well to the lighting and color choice as well.
First Prize – This image exhibits both excellent aesthetics and physics communication. It is great to look at and provides a fun way to understand surface tension.