Best of Web // Michael Karns

Best of Web // Michael Karns


This is an image of a string of the Bahama islands in the Caribbean taken by an unnamed astronaut who was a part of the Expedition 44 crew aboard the International Space Station. Canals of water that have cut between the islands showing the destructive power of water. The darker blue streaks are the deeper parts of these canals, and the lighter blue areas are shallow regions. The flow of water is driven by the daily tidal changes. Artistically, this photo blends together light blue and white naturally. Also, the white puffy clouds and their darker shadows are a nice addition by adding more contrast to the image.


This imaged is provided by the ISS Crew Earth Observations Facility and the Earth Science and Remote Sensing Unit, Johnson Space Center

Link to original image:


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2 Comments. Leave new

  • Dylan Crane
    Sep 24, 2018 12:35

    Third Place. The colors are very inviting and it’s very artistic. If you don’t look closely you would think it was an abstract painting but if you look closely you discover just how real it is.

  • Eli Kopp-DeVol
    Sep 19, 2018 19:26

    Second Place! I love the way the scale of the photo makes two seas flowing into each other between enormous islands, look like someone drew small lines in the sand and let water flow through.


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