This image was taken of water that has been dyed blue with an Alka-seltzer tablet creating carbon dioxide bubbles which interact with the layer of vegetable oil on top. The two fluids have different densities and will never fully mix. I have increased the contrast and used “Color Booster” to highlight the blue and green which is originally a pale yellow.
26 Comments. Leave new
I like the lighting you use in this picture. It makes the edges of the glass almost completely disappear, so all you aren’t distracted when looking at the liquids.
Pulling out the green from the yellow vegetable oil was a neat choice. It reminds me of the earth because of your final colors.
I really enjoy the coloration in this image. Beautiful image!
This is one of my favorite “Get Wet” images; the framing, colors, reflections, and lighting/shadows are all on-point. I particularly like how the shadow cast by the cup captures some of the greens and yellows in the bubbles. This must have been quite a thin cup, since the borders are almost invisible. Near the top it almost looks like there’s a cup at all. Would you consider editing out the thin line of white reflections outlining the top left side of the cup?
Very cool colors captured in this photo. I like how you decided to keep the shadow in the picture, brilliant idea because it adds another interesting element to the photo.
This reminds me of the sea bed and underwater plants. Love the focus on the bubbles.
This is gorgeous! Beautiful lighting.
I like the contrast that was created with the table cloth. The image is very clear and focused
This reminds me of a lava lamp. I love the lighting, it draws your attention to the cup very nicely. I love how vibrant the colors you used are as well.
Extremely neat idea to use an alka-seltzer tablet to create instabilities within the fluid. I really enjoy the LED lighting to pass through the pint glass and add an image on the table cloth. The bubbles remind me somewhat of an underwater ocean.
Loved the quality and reflection. Good job.
I like the background the lighting and also the reflection.
Awesome image! Your lighting works really well. It illuminates the colors in the glass and captures the reaction very artistically.
The lighting setup for this is awesome I love all the different layers you got into one picture and I also love the reflection of the fluid on the table.
I think adding the Alka-seltzer tablet was a creative idea! I love the lava-lamp effect it gives out.
I really like the different colors, especially the green from the carbon dioxide bubbles. It also looks a lot smaller than a pint glass which is surprising.
Very creative photo, I enjoy the texture of the background along with the reflection of light that can be seen on the table.
I love the vibrant color of this picture. The flow kinda looks like moss.
How much time passed between dropping the Alka-seltzer tablet in and when you captured this image?
I really like the choice of colors and the lighting, it looks very cool and mysterious. It looks like a lava lamp.
reminds me of a lava lamp. I like how the reflection onto the tablecloth shows the bend in the cloth. I also like how the light looks yellow on the table cloth but there really is not very much light in the cup.
I love the lighting angle, it gives it a cool shadow with dark background
I also used dyed water and alka seltzer, and it’s very interesting to see how different the same experiment can appear with different colors and a change in who is taking the photo!
Its cool to see how all of the colors more around in the solution due to the flow.
I think your use of lighting is creative. Back lighting the subject really makes the colors pop out.
I love how you included the reflection of the fluid on the ground