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Love the color choice and framing technique!
I love the background to this image. The white makes a great contrast against the shapes of the colors.
The top right corner reminds me of some alien creature with small wings along its spine. Love the shapes and the cells.
I really like the artistic feeling of this image. Love the colors and the various shapes you were able to capture!
I really enjoy the cells that are all over this image. Well done.
Some of the shapes look like faces and eyeballs, very cool photo!
Beautiful contrast of the photos! What post processing did you do to the image?
The vibrant colors are amazing! The randomness of the blob sizes creates a visual flow that draws the eye
I like that the white background looks like tree branches.
I like that your picture has larger concentrations of blue. Also towards the bottom left hand quadrant there is a green cell with two blue circles inside that looks like a face.
I like the capture of a variety of interactions. There’s the big cells in the front center and then the diluted blending in the top right. Good job!
A few bits look to me like a bunch of praying mantises looking at the camera or like some aliens. Pretty cool picture
There’s a lot of fun shapes to pull out of the picture, like tree roots at the the top, and a little face I can see on the left side.
Beautiful! Love the darker on the bottom
I like how you can see a face in the bottom left of the image. I love the colors!
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Love the color choice and framing technique!
I love the background to this image. The white makes a great contrast against the shapes of the colors.
The top right corner reminds me of some alien creature with small wings along its spine. Love the shapes and the cells.
I really like the artistic feeling of this image. Love the colors and the various shapes you were able to capture!
I really enjoy the cells that are all over this image. Well done.
Some of the shapes look like faces and eyeballs, very cool photo!
Beautiful contrast of the photos! What post processing did you do to the image?
The vibrant colors are amazing! The randomness of the blob sizes creates a visual flow that draws the eye
I like that the white background looks like tree branches.
I like that your picture has larger concentrations of blue. Also towards the bottom left hand quadrant there is a green cell with two blue circles inside that looks like a face.
I like the capture of a variety of interactions. There’s the big cells in the front center and then the diluted blending in the top right. Good job!
A few bits look to me like a bunch of praying mantises looking at the camera or like some aliens. Pretty cool picture
There’s a lot of fun shapes to pull out of the picture, like tree roots at the the top, and a little face I can see on the left side.
Beautiful! Love the darker on the bottom
I like how you can see a face in the bottom left of the image. I love the colors!