This is a Reuben’s tube. Propane gas is the fuel that was used to ignite the flame. Sounds were played through a speaker on one end. The sound wave that propagates inside the tube creates pressure differences that are responsible for the wave patter captured in this image.
You can find my complete report using the following link:
14 Comments. Leave new
Love how the close up accentuates the tallest flame.
I enjoyed the angle at which the photo was taken, it lets the frequency shine through the flame.
Love the close up image of the flame. I really like how you got the interesting peaks.
I like how organized the flames are
I like this image because you can clearly see the wavelength of the noise traveling through the tube. The flames remind me of birthday candles and are very smooth in transition between heights.
I love the one flame that sticks out the highest. It adds for a really cool visual aspect.
I like the symmetric coloration of the flames, with a reddish-orange base and tip. Also, good work capturing the flame reflections off the tube near the bottom.
I definitely see the rule of thirds in this photo and it came out very well!
What shutter speed did you use? I think you did a great job capturing the flames with very little motion blur. You capture the perceived motion of the wave without the motion of the flame.
I like that you edited out the background to be black, it gives a really the flames a good contrast.
I like the single tall flame at the peak of the wave.
Nice job editing out the background, turned out really well! Makes me thing of birthday candles
I really like how laminar the flames are and how it’s general shape looks like a suspension bridge outline
This photograph is so much cooler knowing you guys made this from scratch yourselves! What shutter speed did you use?