This image was created by filling a wine glass with water, using only one black light shining from behind the camera, and squeezing highlighter fluid into the glass, visualizing vortex rings.
This image was created by filling a wine glass with water, using only one black light shining from behind the camera, and squeezing highlighter fluid into the glass, visualizing vortex rings.
13 Comments. Leave new
All of the photos together are great. The choice of colors really adds to the images.
Super cool lighting! I love the green color of the fluid dropping and the blue background.
The fluid motion reminds me of a jelly fish. Very natural.
Its really cool that you used the black light for this project. I love the movement of the ink and how gravity and the fluid motion pushed it into multiple directions.
I like the glowing green and blue contrast and the patterns produced in the 2nd image. The mushroom clouds remind me of jellyfish.
Beautiful pictures! I love your use of color and a black light. Also this really visualized vortex rings well!
Super cool images! The second image with all the little lines is my favorite, because it feels really chaotic but beautiful. Nice job
All of the photos look incredible, the use of the blacklight is awesome.
The green on blue is gorgeous, great work on color and lighting! It really does look like a jellyfish.
I love the blacklight and how it shows the contrast of the highlighter in the fluid. It’s really pretty.
I really like the second photo, and I like how crisp the image came out.
I like the use of the black light, it makes the highlighter dye really stand out.
All the different pictures add for a bunch of different textures and views that add to these alien like jellyfish, I love all the UV lighting too it adds a really cool effect to the flow.