This video displays the interaction between isopropyl alcohol (white area) and an oil-based ferrofluid (dark area). The mixture is acted upon by a magnet under the surface that is being moved around randomly. The video was recorded on a Samsung Galaxy S9. A single LED lamp was used to improve the lighting conditions.
You can find my full report using the following link:
9 Comments. Leave new
This video gave off a somewhat unsettling feeling as there was an almost biological look to the flow and the film itself, likely due to the post processing. This isn’t a bad thing and was very interesting to see!
This is a very different approach than the rest of the team. I like that your flow vis technique is unique and it came out really interesting.
Loved how the movement looks like a random natural interaction of bacteria.
I like the music you chose
This reminds me of a squid emitting ink into the ocean. Nice music choice as well
I think the motion of the ferrofluid matched up with the music very well. I think you did a great job choosing the music piece.
Music was really well chosen, added great drama
It reminds me of white blood cells attacking foreign bodies.
Looks like sea urchins moving around an oreo milkshake. Very cool