Striated flows as observed when a fluorescent non–Newtonian dilatant fluid (Oobleck with highlighter fluid) is dripped through a vegetable steamer, Illuminated with two black lights. Each “striation” apparently flows in a straight line, and the stream diameter seemingly remains the same. The exposure time is 1/5 seconds, hence it is hard to tell whether the streams are just broken up (solid) particles of oobleck falling that create the illusion of flow, or the oobleck retained its original fluid structure. The original image and the image taken during the start of the flow are provided below. Initially, the flow started with each stream led by a bulb head, with each bulb roughly the same size. Post-processing was done to bring out a 60s UFO conspiracy news feel, and the texture was intended to be that of a newspaper. Original imageInitial flow
Great job editing out your hand. I think that you achieved your goal of making the UFO feel to the image. Great method of capturing the dripping lines.
11 Comments. Leave new
Fantastic job editing out your hand and nice touch with the black and white. I really dig the pure laminar flow it has.
The original image does seem somewhat grainy, but that played well into your intentions of making it look like a 60s UFO conspiracy!
I can’t get over the fact at how much this looks like long strands of spaghetti. Very unique flow vis technique.
Amazing work! It shows how much hard work you put into it.
Great job editing out your hand. I think that you achieved your goal of making the UFO feel to the image. Great method of capturing the dripping lines.
I love the aesthetic you added in your post editing! I think the noise adds that old fashioned 60’s look.
Wow, I like this image, the flow and colors look great!
Original looks like a UFO! The edited reminds me of a shower head!
Why did you choose to make the final image black/white?
I really enjoy the glow of the fluid. Great choice to use highlighter fluid to add to the oobleck
Great idea to use the strainer, it reminds me of an alien UFO, perfect for Halloween.