This is a picture for cirrostratus clouds with an aircraft passing through them. The picture was taken by an iPhone X camera around 6:20 p.m. just above 1010 Adams Circle in Boulder.
The contrail shadow picture is really beautiful, but the context photo that you have is also so awesome. I can see how it was hard to decide which one to submit.
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Did you take multiple photos? You might be able to estimate the speed of the plane of you have pictures a couple of seconds apart
I like the symettry between the contrail and the “shadow” on the cloud.
The contrail shadow picture is really beautiful, but the context photo that you have is also so awesome. I can see how it was hard to decide which one to submit.
The context photo is very helpful in this case
I like the shadow of the contrail
I prefer the photo you chose because it is more focused than the other pic.
Such a cool picture, love the colors!