I think this is an Altocumulus Lenticularis. The waves make the clouds join smoothly. All the air coming over the mountain bounces. The Cape is stable. Wind is going in the same direction. The wind is blowing west.
I think this is an Altocumulus Lenticularis. The waves make the clouds join smoothly. All the air coming over the mountain bounces. The Cape is stable. Wind is going in the same direction. The wind is blowing west.
13 Comments. Leave new
It seems like the height of the convergence in the Skew–T plots are similar. The two graphs show around 30–45 knots in wind speed, I would say lenticular! Great job with the post-processing!
The bottom cloud looks like it’s flying past pretty fast.
I like how you included the trees at the bottom
I like the black and white scheme, it adds a horror vibe to it.
I love your choice to make your image black and white!
I really liked that you made the picture black and white, I think it adds to the overall ambiance of the image.
The black and white is really interesting for this photo.
Nice image, reminds me of an old style movie
I really like the smaller cloud you captured! It kind of looks like a bird in my opinion.
The black and white aspect of the image allows for a beautiful contrast within the image.
Your decision to do this in black and white is really interesting and really brings out the details of the clouds.
I really like how the black and white look compared to the original great job!
I like the black and white color scheme. The cloud flow and shape is very interesting too