This is an image taken while sitting in a moving car in Kalispell, MT. The exact time was 4:14pm on September 7th, and the weather was absolutely beautiful this day. The CAPE value is exactly 0 so the atmosphere was completely stable.

Below is an image of the unedited image

7 Comments. Leave new
I really like that the bottom portion of the image is landscape rather than all sky and clouds. Good choice.
I really love this photo. I love that you kept the hay bales in there, it makes everything look super idyllic and gorgeous. Great work!
Awesome Image! Scenery is amazing!
I love how you included the landscape in this image, I think it frames the brightness of the clouds very nicely.
I like your post-processing and how it brings out the colors in the image. I also like the framing in your image and the sense of scale. It’s very expansive and calming.
Really beautiful image, Victoria! I really like how the hay bails and clouds oppose each other, very interesting composition. Also, great job enhancing the color in post.
So many clouds! Great job capturing them! And love the haybails