This picture was taken in Golden, Colorado on the evening of September 20, 2020, facing west. There was rain on and off previous to this image. There appear to be low grey stratus clouds, high white cirrus clouds, and a mature to dissipating stage of cumulonimbus in the bottom right corner. The original image and the SkewT diagram are shown below. The diagram indicates some instability, with a CAPE value of 84.23.

Original image.

SkewT diagram of the evening of September 20th at DIA
6 Comments. Leave new
The contrast between the yellow/orange of the sunset with the blue sky above looks really nice.
Love the pitch black of the mountains you added in post, very interesting image! Nice work!
The crossing jet streams add a fascinating element to your image and your post production does a wonderful job of highlighting them.
I really love the colors in this image! Great job with the editing, it really enhances the photo
Nice job on the editing. I quite like the darkness added to the mountains. Lots of cloud variety is wonderful!
Love the gold and blue! Great job, really cool clouds.