This image was taken with an IPhone Xs and it shows Altocumulus clouds in an unstable atmosphere on Friday October 9th at around 5:30 PM.
(CAPE = 72.20 @ 00Z 10 October 2020)

This image was taken with an IPhone Xs and it shows Altocumulus clouds in an unstable atmosphere on Friday October 9th at around 5:30 PM.
(CAPE = 72.20 @ 00Z 10 October 2020)
6 Comments. Leave new
I really like the contrast and that there aren’t really any other distracting elements in this photo!
I love your contrast, and also that you were able to capture that blurry texture in the clouds!
I really like how vibrant white the clouds look with the darker blue sky. Cool image!
The movement of the clouds is captured really beautifully in this image, it also creates a nice focus on cloud texture.
The contrast in this image seems to really accentuate the cloud shapes.
Great job shooting portrait here! I think it really showcases the clouds well. Also, the texture captured in the clouds is really cool.