Lower stratocumulus clouds and a higher altostratus layer indicating an incoming cold front in Broomfield, Colorado.
This is an awesome image Megan! I love that you kept the trees, so we can see the bright orange peak through the silhouettes! Nice work!
Beautiful image! Really like the contrast you added in post, between the front and rear clouds.
Did a great job in post-processing the colors. I never would have guessed if you hadn’t put the original image.
Awesome image! Nice Post-processing
Really cool looking clouds!
The final image looks so beautiful with the contrast between the lower clouds and higher clouds.
I really like what you did post-processing to enhance the colors!
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This is an awesome image Megan! I love that you kept the trees, so we can see the bright orange peak through the silhouettes! Nice work!
Beautiful image! Really like the contrast you added in post, between the front and rear clouds.
Did a great job in post-processing the colors. I never would have guessed if you hadn’t put the original image.
Awesome image! Nice Post-processing
Really cool looking clouds!
The final image looks so beautiful with the contrast between the lower clouds and higher clouds.
I really like what you did post-processing to enhance the colors!