This picture shows a LearJet 31A creating Vortices as it flies through the clouds. It is taken by Paul Bowen, who took the picture while he was on the tail of a B-25. He was going 200 mph and describes the LearJet as “a jet that is just kinda wallowing, almost like a boat that hasn’t quite gotten on step”. Since he was going about the same speed as the LearJet, his speed relative to the LearJet is almost zero which explains his view. I find the vortices created by the LearJet interesting because it shows wake turbulence. The tips of the wing cuts through the air and creates a disturbance. This results in the counter-rotating vortices as shown with the clouds.
PC: Paul Bowen
Sinclair, Mathew. “Paul Bowen Air-to-Air Photographer”. B&H.
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2nd place. I love planes