A fog machine with its top open allows fog created within the machine to rise out of the open top. Red and blue films were placed over the lighting to show the shape and depth of the cloud. Was taken with a Canon EOS 70D 18-55mm lens.
IV2 – Robbie Cooper
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Flow Vis Guidebook
- Introduction to the Guidebook
- Overview 1: Phenomena. Why Does It Look Like That?
- Overview 2: Visualization Techniques
- Overview 3: Lighting
- Overview 4 - Photography A: Composition and Studio Workflow
- Overview 4 - Photography B: Cameras
- Overview 4 - Photography C: Lenses - Focal Length
- Overview 4 - Photography C: Lenses - Aperture and DOF
- Overview 4: Photography D: Exposure
- Overview 4 - Photography E - Resolution
- Overview 5 - Post-Processing
- Clouds 1: Names
- Clouds 2: Why Are There Clouds? Lift Mechanism 1: Instability
- Clouds 3: Skew - T and Instability
- Clouds 4: Clouds in Unstable Atmosphere
- Clouds 5: Lift Mechanism 2 - Orographics
- Clouds 6: Lift Mechanism 3 - Weather Systems
- Boundary Techniques - Introduction
- Dye Techniques 1 - Do Not Disturb
- Dye Techniques 2 - High Visibility
- Dye Techniques 3 - Light Emitting Fluids
- Refractive Index Techniques 1: Liquid Surfaces
- Refractive Index Techniques 2: Shadowgraphy and Schlieren
- Particles 1- Physics: Flow and Light
- Particles 2: Aerosols
- Particles 3: In Water
- Particles 4 -Dilute Particle Techniques
- Art and Science
- TOC and Zotpress test
- Photons, Wavelength and Color
6 Comments. Leave new
The lighting on this image turned out great, and like some others I especially like the light blue spot in the bottom right area. It’s very thundercloud-esque. My only comment would be to consider cropping out the fog machine in the far bottom right.
I really like the angle between the blue and the red and how thick the column of smoke is. I think there are some really beautiful intricate parts in both the blue and red.
As for your question about focus, I think smoke/fog can be really hard to tell if its in focus because of the way fog is, but I think this photo has parts that are very in focus (like the edge of the red and middle of the blue).
I like the depth in the fog. The image exudes a sense of power, almost like a large thundercloud in the sky. The billows of the fog really add to the sense of volume.
I really like the super-saturation appearance of the image. The red-purple-blue fading together are beautiful and the vibrancy works really well. I like the lighter sections on the inside, so the image looks multi-dimensional. The shapes appearing in the sides are very imaginative. I like that it is more of a large cloud than very wispy.
I really liked the different patches of lighting within the fog. This has the feeling of two storms clouds coming together, you can almost see and feel the turmoil within fog.
I really like the two spots in the red and blue that are just a bit lighter than the rest of the fog! It adds dimension to the image and looks really cool.