A flow visualization of Liquid Coil Rope Effect being observed with honey.
Connect with Alex: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexkelling/
A flow visualization of Liquid Coil Rope Effect being observed with honey.
Connect with Alex: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexkelling/
8 Comments. Leave new
This is a really cool effect you’ve captured. I love the look of the coiling honey, I would love to see a macro shot of this.
As others have mentioned, your lighting and background are done phenomenally. I like the space you left while cropping because it leaves plenty of room at the top for the almost perfectly clear stream to disappear into the darkness.
I really appreciate the post processing work you showed after your presentation! It allows the viewer to focus on the subject and view all of the tiny intricacies.
The color contrast between the honey and the background looks really good, and I like that you can see some little bubbles trapped in the mass of honey at the bottom.
The lighting design really highlights the fluid effect you’re documenting.
Perhaps consider tweaking the yellow hue a little more in post-processing to up its vibrancy and saturation. This may also help with the clarity at low-brightness which you mentioned.
The framing and angle that this image was taken at makes the subject really pop in this image! The focus is also very well done, and it allows you to see the light being refracted through the different parts of the honey.
The lighting and focus really help exemplify a beautiful depth of field and show the fluid phenomenon really well. This really looks like a professional photo
The color choice in this image in phenomenal. The combination of lighting and the black background brings the focus to how the light bends in the honey. There are no background distractions. Also, props for using multiple sources of lighting!