This is the image of a clear block of ice after being subjected to a slow, steady flow of hot water. It shows the random pathways that the water took as the Ice melted and how the ice melts in smooth patterns
This is the image of a clear block of ice after being subjected to a slow, steady flow of hot water. It shows the random pathways that the water took as the Ice melted and how the ice melts in smooth patterns
6 Comments. Leave new
This is a great photo. I love how close up and focused you were able to get to the ice cube so that it was the main subject of the photo and nothing else. Also, I loved how clear and clean the water/ice is.
There is very nice contrast between the colors in your image. It allows the interesting shape of your subject to shine through in what is a very crisp photo!
I like how the shape has sort of undefined edges, the black background makes it look like it’s falling or floating
I love the reflections that the inorganic, random shape that is made and how it reflects light in some many different ways.
How did you choose the focus on an object with so many different heights?
I like the conflicting textures between the ice and the black background. Overall, this was an awesome image of a very organic, reflective shape and I think it was executed well! It almost looks like the ice cube is in a falling motion.
I really like the contrast between the ice and the dark black background. The organic shape and angle that the image is taken at makes it seem like it is falling through the air, which is a very cool effect.