NOTE: WP did not like the cropping of the image; the ‘second’ image in the gallery is the intended crop.
Photo of Denver from Highway 93 taken on 9/30/22. Below is the Skew-T diagram for this day– one can see that around 4400 meters the dew point and temperature measurements are close together, meaning that clouds are likely to be forming at this elevation. Additionally, based on the CAPE value, the atmosphere was unstable at this time. The clouds depicted in this image are likely a mixture between cumulus and stratus clouds.

9 Comments. Leave new
The editing is really cool, it kind of gives a Terry Gilliam style due to how sharp the focused area is compared to the fore and background. Awesome!
I like the way you framed your image, the darkness at the bottom especially is very ominous.
I love how dark the image is with the exception of the middle clouds.
I really like the darkness of the clouds surrounding a light blue gap in the middle. I also really like the variety of clouds in this, in the middle I see some cumulous clouds and then in the far back I think I see some nimbostratus clouds. I also really like the size perspective in this, how Denver looks so tiny and how it makes the sky look so much bigger.
Having both the cropped and the uncropped is really interesting because each version has a dramatically different feel because the cropped image has more bright points and more color than the uncropped version making it feel a little less daunting. Both are very stunning.
I really like how much these clouds dwarf Denver. The way the city is just a small point in this massive picture, along with the dark theme, really builds a bit of dramatic narrative.
This is a really cool image and I like the kind of spooky feel of it, very Halloween-esque. The dark looking storm clouds are corroborated by the unstable atmosphere and cloud levels indicated by the skew-t diagram. I think that maybe my favorite part of the image is the contrast between the dark skyline of boulder in the center of the image with the only light clouds in the image sitting right above it. Additionally the scale of the clouds contrasted with the scale of the city is awesome.
This is a striking image. The dark gray is ominous and beautiful, and the light coming over the clouds in the foreground to light the clouds in the middle ground is beautiful. The crop of this image works really well, especially while highlighting Denver in the middle.
Your use of shadows in this is really cool. I like the way that the bright blue is peeking through!