Photo taken of cirrostratus cloud floating high over Broomfield, CO. October 25, 2022.
Love that you captured two cloud types in the same image, makes it more interesting to look at.
The slice through the left of that cloud is interesting, makes you wonder what caused it
This is such a cool cloud! I love how you framed it.
I think the shear artifact found in the middle of your cirrostratus cloud is interesting and it’d be cool to know what causes it.
Clouds look nice! the one in the center looks like a paining.
I like how focused this image is on the cloud, it’s a cool cloud and we haven’t seen a lot of similar ones
I like those clouds centered in your image, they have a very unique look/texture about them, especially when comparing them to the other clouds surrounding
This image looks like a paintbrush stroke going through the sky! The framing is excellent.
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Love that you captured two cloud types in the same image, makes it more interesting to look at.
The slice through the left of that cloud is interesting, makes you wonder what caused it
This is such a cool cloud! I love how you framed it.
I think the shear artifact found in the middle of your cirrostratus cloud is interesting and it’d be cool to know what causes it.
Clouds look nice! the one in the center looks like a paining.
I like how focused this image is on the cloud, it’s a cool cloud and we haven’t seen a lot of similar ones
I like those clouds centered in your image, they have a very unique look/texture about them, especially when comparing them to the other clouds surrounding
This image looks like a paintbrush stroke going through the sky! The framing is excellent.