Photo taken in North Boulder on October 25th, 2022 at 5:51pm.
The SKEW-T chart is indicting that clouds are formed at about 3,000m and 5,000m, with smaller amount of clouds all the way up to about 10,000m. Based on this information and the shape of the clouds, I think that there are cumulus, altostratus, and cirrocumulus clouds in this photo. The cumulus clouds are the larger and lumpier clouds in the front. The altostratus are the longer brushstroke like clouds far in the back. The cirrocumulus clouds are the rice like clouds at the top.
13 Comments. Leave new
I love the color of the clouds in this picture, makes for a more pastel color palette.
I love how many different clouds and types of skies you can see all in one picture. The storm of clouds in the distance looks really cool as a background to the very distinct clouds above.
I like the composition of this shot, I think you did a great job of capturing the feeling of the scenery. I would love to see these clouds later in the day with a sunset!
I love the way that you framed this photo. The clouds you capture here are so pretty!
I really like this picture but it could have been a little bit more colorful if you had waited a little bit for sunset I think
I love this photo and how the clouds go from less dense closer to much more dense and abundant in the distance.
I love the variety of the textures in the clouds, it goes from fluff to puffy to dark wall of clouds as you descend in elevation. The framing is really great as well!
I like the texture in the lower-altitude clouds, they look very picturesque.
I really like the way the ground, tree, and clouds on the left kind of frame your image. It really nicely directs your focus.
I love the depth of the photo. I love the variety of cloud formations as well. Very aesthetically pleasing.
This looks like a cool watercolor painting. This is the epitome of a nature photo
I really like how wide your frame is and the different textures and cloud types present across the composition.
I think this was the same day I took my picture! What an incredible day for clouds. I like this perspective and you can see the clouds to the south by Green Mountain which is closer to where I was.