This photo was taken on Table Mesa Drive in Boulder, Colorado in front of the Boulder Creek Apartment Complex on October 25 at 6:33 PM. Based on the Skew-T Diagram shown above where the Temperature and Dew Point are become close together (at an altitude of approximately 3700 m) in addition to referencing the image shown above, I can infer that the clouds in the image are Altocumulus. In addition to this, the CAPE value of .17 indicates that the atmosphere was not stable. Also, the slopes of the adiabatic temperature lines and isotherms indicate an unstable atmosphere as well.
10 Comments. Leave new
The gold and blue colors work really well together, very nice!
I like the balance of warm and cool colors, and dark and light clouds
Awesome juxtaposition of vibes, I feel like it symbolizes a duality of good and evil
This is such a gorgeous image! I love the colors and contrast that you were able to capture!
I like the color grading on this photo and how its very clear where the light is coming from
I like the colors emphasized in this photo, the blues and yellows complement each other well.
I like the vibrancy of colors in this, the bright blue and pinkish/orange are very pretty together. I don’t think the house is too distracting. It would have been nice without it but it doesn’t effect it too much.
Very cool colors, the yellow meshes awesomely with the blue sky and whites from the rest of the clouds, reminds me of Hufflepuff from Harry Potter
I like the gradient in colors visible in the clouds, from bright orange to dark grey, with the brilliant blue sky behind it.
I really love this image because of the contrast in the bright blue sky, the yellow/orange of the sunset, and the dark gray clouds. Including the building was great to add some perspective. Good job.