Below is the Skew-T for the Clouds photo taken outside of the Aerospace building. The clouds present in the photo are Cumulus and Cirrus. By looking at the Skew-T, there are two pinch points at 2500 and 6000 meters, indicating some low altitude and high altitude clouds being present simultaneously.

8 Comments. Leave new
I love the aspect ratio of the photo. Nice to see some wide shots. Well done
Great piece I feel like it captures Boulder in the early winter really well
The sky has a nice composition, with closer clouds and further clouds against a blue or grey backdrop. I think that your choice to make the image wide was a great way to showcase this effect. What camera did you use to get this aspect ratio in a such a resolved image?
I like how wide the pic is. It demonstrates the winter well.
The clouds look like a herd of animals all moving together, they’re very cute. I also like your choice of cropping
The aspect ratio of this image is interesting, and while the cloud formations shown here are relatively normal it is a cool visualization of them in a day-to-day environment.
I like how you managed to capture what looks like a typical day in Boulder! The two layers of clouds are a nice feature. I wonder what it would look like with the trees in the foregrounded cropped out?
I really like the formatting of this image. It’s cool how many different types of clouds you were able to get!