Wine and cheese in hand, I sat adjacent Morrow Rock, in, well, Morrow Bay on the central coast of California to watch the sunset. Struck by it’s splendor I could not help but take a photo for the Flow Visualization class. Alas, in my reposed position I retrieved my camera, and shot this image. Such beautiful hues of crimson, scarlet, purple, blue, and orange I had never seen blended together in such a way. I felt as if I had been placed within an Renoir or a Cezanne. With the gentle hum of the coal power plant behind me, I was regaled by a sonorous display of hue; for one sweet hour, I was blind to the harsh banality of the universe. Alright, that’s enough being pretentious for now. Apologies.
Here’s a Skew T diagram!

3 Comments. Leave new
Wow, really looks like someone took a paintbrush and painted the sky. Beautiful colors.
Love the narrative, and this is dope, looks professional from both the post and the framing with the rocks.
Wow the red in your sunset is really stunning. Alongside the orange and the blue, this photo looks stunning and professional.