The image was captured with my Samsung Galaxy A22 phone camera while hiking to the Diamond Lake in Nederland.
A CAPE # of 100 was obtained from the Skew-T plot which indicates that the atmosphere is weakly unstable. So, this leads to the formation of mostly cumulus mediocris clouds. These clouds form at low altitudes of less than 6,500 feet. There also seems to be some presence of cirrus clouds at higher altitude of 16,500-45,000 feet.

Fig: Skew-T plot for 4th September 2023
Types of clouds. (n.d.). NOAA SciJinks – All About Weather. https://scijinks.gov/clouds/
1 Comment. Leave new
I like how you kept the trees in the frame to give it a sense of depth. The sky tone really contrasts with the darkness of the trees, balancing the image