This photo was taken on a Canon EOS 5D camera. The experiment was done using whole milk, food coloring, and dish soap. The dish soap separates the milk into water and fats allowing for the soap molecules to attach to the fat molecules. The connection between the soap and fat molecules along with the repulsion between the soap and water molecules pushes around the food coloring creating these chromatic spirals.
Milk Mirage – Fall 2023 Get Wet – Sierra Greeley
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Flow Vis Guidebook
- Introduction to the Guidebook
- Overview 1: Phenomena. Why Does It Look Like That?
- Overview 2: Visualization Techniques
- Overview 3: Lighting
- Overview 4 - Photography A: Composition and Studio Workflow
- Overview 4 - Photography B: Cameras
- Overview 4 - Photography C: Lenses - Focal Length
- Overview 4 - Photography C: Lenses - Aperture and DOF
- Overview 4: Photography D: Exposure
- Overview 4 - Photography E - Resolution
- Overview 5 - Post-Processing
- Clouds 1: Names
- Clouds 2: Why Are There Clouds? Lift Mechanism 1: Instability
- Clouds 3: Skew - T and Instability
- Clouds 4: Clouds in Unstable Atmosphere
- Clouds 5: Lift Mechanism 2 - Orographics
- Clouds 6: Lift Mechanism 3 - Weather Systems
- Boundary Techniques - Introduction
- Dye Techniques 1 - Do Not Disturb
- Dye Techniques 2 - High Visibility
- Dye Techniques 3 - Light Emitting Fluids
- Refractive Index Techniques 1: Liquid Surfaces
- Refractive Index Techniques 2: Shadowgraphy and Schlieren
- Particles 1- Physics: Flow and Light
- Particles 2: Aerosols
- Particles 3: In Water
- Particles 4 -Dilute Particle Techniques
- Art and Science
- TOC and Zotpress test
- Photons, Wavelength and Color
3 Comments. Leave new
I really love this colors in this. Super bright and they pop against the milk!
I love these bright colors! The colors help to show the flow and the swirls, which further display the complex forces of interaction between liquid molecules!
I admire how many photos you took before choosing this one! Super cool image and I like the colors you picked out.