This photo was taken on a Canon EOS 5D camera. The image depicts food dye reacting with water after being mixed with oil. The oil and food dye were mixed together before being poured on top of a glass of warm water. This slowed the reaction between the food coloring and water because of the barrier the oil created from being hydrophobic. As time increased more food dye was released from the oil into the water creating the swirls you see in the photo above.
Acknowledgments: Ari Matrajt Frid, Jonathon Gruener
2 Comments. Leave new
I like the colors here as well as the differing amounts of food dye in the image. I think your editing did a great job of focusing on the flow.
I like the coloring in here and the pocket of light surrounded by interesting fluid boundaries. I think it might have been more interesting to focus on that left hand side.