These clouds were captured on October 2nd, 2023 at 6 PM outside of the Engineering Center parking lot facing East.
They appear to be a nimbostratus due to their low elevation, full size, and darker coloration.
There was a very minor increase in saturation for the final photo, but no big changes from the original.
The photo was taken using an iPhone 13 Pro with these settings:
Focal Length: 5.7 mm
Aperture: f/1.5
Shutter Speed: 1/567
ISO: Unknown at the moment

Clouds are likely to appear where the dew point line and temperature line are close to each other. Considering we are in Boulder where pressure is about 700-800 mBar which corresponds to an altitude of 1500 – 3086 meters above sea level, the darker clouds in the photo could be identified as a nimbostratus/stratocumulus. The LCLP is 712.9 which supports this. Checking for stability, if choosing a parcel around 3086 m and going parallel to the adiabat, there are some slight instabilities but is stable for the majority of the time hence why CAPE = 0.
Tropopause at around 12070 m up to about 15000 m.
5 Comments. Leave new
I like how the grey of the clouds contrasts with the yellow at the bottom of the frame, it takes your eyes through the image
Great photo! This image shows great depth throughout the cloud formation and is unique how one type of cloud can really cover an entire area of the sky at such great volume.
I agree with Corey about liking the trees in the image! I think it emphasizes the scale of the clouds.
I like the way the darkness of the clouds contrasts with the yellow at the edge of the horizon, makes for an interesting composition.
I like that you kept the trees in the image. The yellow sky is super cool. I think that you could crop out the building on the right without losing much of the clouds. Otherwise, I think this is a great image of nimbostratus!