Team Third – AJ Terio – Malachite

Team Third – AJ Terio – Malachite

2022, 2023 Team Third

This image shows a growth of the gemstone known as malachite. I took this picture with my Nikon PX900 at the Smithsonian Musuem of Natural History over my fall break. My report will detail the process malachite undergoes as it grows and the science behind its artistic beauty and colorful rings.

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8 Comments. Leave new

  • Hannah DelGuercio
    Dec 13, 2023 16:44

    This was an awesome take on the assignment and really showed some cool information.

  • Jonathon Gruener
    Dec 13, 2023 14:07

    The colors are beautiful. I definitely thought this was an acrylic paint experiment until reading further into it.

  • The colors on this image came out great! I also liked reading about the rock formations in the report.

  • Greg Kornguth
    Dec 8, 2023 16:24

    I love the color choice as well as the many layers of color. It’s neat that each layer of color is a slightly different shade and it is very eye-catching.

  • Riley Menke
    Dec 7, 2023 20:28

    Really creative idea! I really like how in this image the mineral has the same patterns as ripples in a pond.

  • Sam Lippincott
    Dec 7, 2023 13:22

    So out of the box! I didn’t even consider photographing gems or minerals and didn’t even register them as flows. The picture itself too is so nice to look at! I think my only critique could be cropping out the light reflection in the corner but otherwise it’s very well done.

  • Ari Matrajt Frid
    Dec 1, 2023 18:00

    I really like this image because of its composition, it is so balanced and aesthetically pleasing. The shades of green, coupled with some of the black and white spots, make this image pop and overall look awesome

  • Sierra Greeley
    Nov 28, 2023 21:03

    Hello AJ,
    Before reading your explanation I was really hoping that this was an image of malachite but wondered if it was paint, and sure enough it was malachite. I love this stone because of the bright color and circular patters. The cropping that you did on this image is really cool because it almost leaves wonder to the imagination.


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