This captivating effect was captured through a fairly messy experiment. Ferrofluid, a fairly unique liquid was placed into a Petri dish which was then suspended above a fishing magnet which in reaction created this spike-like effect. This is in part due to the presence of tiny particles of ferromagnetic materials, typically nanoscale-sized particles of iron or iron oxide. When exposed to a magnetic field, such as that generated by the fishing magnet, the ferromagnetic particles in the ferrofluid align themselves along the field lines in part to lower their energy. However, surface tension from the liquid limits the extent to which they can align themselves with the field.
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7 Comments. Leave new
The focus of this image is great and I like how many spikes you were able to capture withing this focal range. The strange strip of light you can se outlining the bottom most spikes in the picture really adds to this image as well.
This is a great image, I love the focus on the center of the ferrofluid.
I love the shapes of the ferrofluids and the reflections that characterize the shape of the ferrofluids. The focus is very sharp and clear. Good job.
I like how much detail this image can capture at the scale of a petri-dish. I can see the patterns in each spike which is really amazing.
This is a great image because it is so focused, great job capturing so much detail.
I really like the lighting in this image. You also did a fantastic job focusing on one section of the ferrofluid. That focus really balances the overall composition of the image. Good work!
You did a great job captivating the cool porcupine shape.