Best of Web: Motion Extraction by Posy

Best of Web: Motion Extraction by Posy

My favorite example of flow visualization is by an artist on YouTube by the name of Posy. He has captured several beautiful scenic videos of moving grass, rolling fog, and subtle cloud movements. The purpose of the video is to show how subtle and sometimes invisible movements can be “extracted” with video editing software to make a normally uninteresting scene more dynamic. The attached picture was my favorite moment in the video. It showcases a layer of fog rolling over the surface of the water, excellently highlighting the turbulent flows that wind can create when interacting with vapor. This is even more interesting as this behavior would be much more difficult to see with a basic video. Though the video contains examples other non-fluid movements, it has several great visuals showcasing a means of shedding light on a nearly invisible phenomenon.

Credit: Posy via

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