2024 Best of Web-Caidan Caswell-Mach Wave

2024 Best of Web-Caidan Caswell-Mach Wave

This flow visualization demonstrates the feat of engineering high-performance aircraft. When fighter jets reach speeds that exceed the speed of sound, the air molecules are compressed when flowing over the aircraft and create condensation in set humidity and ambient conditions. Resulting in a fascinating cone around the aircraft. This phenomenon is also known as flow-induced vaporization and can be also visualized underwater with objects moving faster than the speed of sound.

Source: https://sciencefocus.hkust.edu.hk/sonic-booms

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3 Comments. Leave new

  • Matt Sherman
    Sep 18, 2024 08:42

    Second Prize. I think this is clear and a very good visualization of a physical phenomenom

  • Cooper Lay
    Sep 8, 2024 20:59

    Second Prize: This shot gets my second place prize because it visualizes a fascinating topic, breaking the sound barrier. It makes me wonder how the shot was taken at such high quality and at the perfect time when the barrier is broken.

  • Will Norris
    Sep 6, 2024 22:58

    First Prize: Few things show the amazing capabilities we have achieved like the ability to “break” the air around us.


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