Best of Web: Smoke

Smoke by Steven Duong

Best of Web: Smoke

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3 Comments. Leave new

  • Pablo Botin
    Sep 10, 2024 14:31

    Third Price: Although this is super common phenomena and the photograph does not involve technical complexity, it is such a cool and beauty visualization

  • Tara Fisch
    Sep 9, 2024 15:59

    Second Prize: The lighting used in this photograph really emphasizes the way the smoke moves through the air. The boundary is crisp and allows the viewer to easily follow the flow. The colors within the smoke are subtle but make the photo even more interesting as you look closer.

  • Sarah Hastings
    Sep 6, 2024 15:32

    First Prize

    I appreciate the clarity of this photo. The smoke trails are illuminated well and stand out on the black background, and I like the use of negative space. This is a beautiful photo.


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