Rolling Cream – Get Wet – Travis Smith

Rolling Cream   Get Wet   Flow Vis

Rolling Cream – Get Wet – Travis Smith

2024 Get Wet

Flow Vis Get Wet Report – Travis Smith

Concentration gradients in a thin layer Tia Maria due to evaporating ethanol cause solutal convection currents. These currents are then visualized by a small amount of coffee creamer. The whole experiment takes place in a glass dish that is lit from underneath.

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2 Comments. Leave new

  • Peter Booras
    Sep 16, 2024 12:41

    Travis, this is a super cool picture, I made the comment during your presentation that this sort of looks like a peach. I am also getting hints of sunset colors. How many takes did it take you to get a video you were satisfied with?

  • Awesome Visuals! I enjoyed how the liquids created such beautiful visuals. I also think you edited it very well, creating great contrasting colors!


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