Get Wet: Volume Contraction

Get Wet: Volume Contraction

2024 Get Wet
This video demonstrates the volume contraction that occurs when water mixes with alcohol. In the first shot, I pour 150 milliliters of water into a measuring cup. In the second shot, I repeat the same process with 91% isopropyl alcohol. Then, I mix the two and zoom in to show that the total volume is less than 300 milliliters.

The video is also published on YouTube:

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2 Comments. Leave new

  • I liked your concept, I think the liquids could’ve been differentiated more, but overall I can see your vision and what you were trying to achieve.

  • Peter Booras
    Sep 16, 2024 12:49

    I am curious if you pour the alcohol in slowly, would the final volume be close to the 300ml? Perhaps the mixing of the fluids is what causes this volume contraction?


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