Rushing Currents | Pablo Botin | Get Wet 2024

Rushing Currents | FlowVis

Rushing Currents | Pablo Botin | Get Wet 2024

2024 Get Wet
Follow the river’s journey as it carves its way through nature’s canvas. From gentle ripples to cascading waterfalls, every twist and turn reveals the beauty and chaos of fluid motion. Vortices dance in its depths, while currents surge with untamed force, painting a story of water’s relentless flow. Immerse yourself in the symphony of nature’s pulse, where tranquility and turbulence unite in a breathtaking display of fluid dynamics.

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2 Comments. Leave new

  • Peter Booras
    Sep 18, 2024 12:56

    This almost looks like the motion to the still image I tried to capture with my post. You chose an interesting point to focus on. I really enjoy seeing the water motion around the rock and you have ripples almost like a fabric being pressed through a tight location.

  • I like how you captured the curvature of the river in its natural state. My only suggestion is how could you implement that same idea that into a handmade project?


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