Team First // Casey Munsch

Team First // Casey Munsch






Small fire vortex using a cut vase. To view the full report click the link below.

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23 Comments. Leave new

  • Noah Granigan
    Oct 1, 2018 12:49

    Very cool, we attempted to do this, but out flame was not high enough. There is no motion blur but the image still gives a sense of motion through the spiral.

  • Christopher McFadden
    Oct 1, 2018 12:38

    I think it looks better on the projector. Almost bluer. Maybe play with the temperature of the image.

  • Gregory Collins
    Oct 1, 2018 12:38

    Beautiful blue color. what is the bands on the flame? I like the blur it makes the flame look soft.

  • Michael Karns
    Oct 1, 2018 12:38

    I really like this picture and how the flame has curvature. The dark background is nice and it’s impressive how even though you took the image outside at night, the background is totally black.

  • Peilin Yang
    Oct 1, 2018 12:37

    The flame is good control. The environment seems to be tightly controlled to lower the distribution of the wind.

  • Dylan Crane
    Oct 1, 2018 12:36

    Not sure what the blotches are but the flame looks really good. It could be in better focus and a little crisper. I love the shape and the color. With the black background, it gives it a very artistic look.

  • Wenjin Li
    Oct 1, 2018 12:36

    The image looks great. The contrast between the blue and background “black” is great. Actually I like the blur. The shape of the flame looks nice.

  • Anna Lynton
    Oct 1, 2018 12:35

    I like the colors in this photo! It is a bit blurry but it gives the image a softer effect.

  • Ross Cooper
    Oct 1, 2018 12:34

    This is a wonderful colorful photo. I like how you can see the movement of the flame and how it flows quickly upwards. The bands are a little distracting but overall I like it.

  • Brandon Gushlaw
    Oct 1, 2018 12:34

    Nice job. I tried something similar to this and found creating the spiral is difficult in most environments. Did you have a high ISO for your camera?

  • Chase Cleveland
    Oct 1, 2018 12:34

    This is a very unique setup and phenomenon. Good job creating and capturing the desired vortex. I like the motion of the flame. The shot seems to be a bit out of focus and some horizontal bands detract a little bit from the image.

  • Charles Keely
    Oct 1, 2018 12:34

    This is a really unique idea! I love how you can see the flame twisting around in an almost wavelike nature.

  • Ivan Komodore
    Oct 1, 2018 12:34

    Good control of the background and I like the swirling effect of the flame. What is the cause the four horizontal lines along the flame?

  • Eli Kopp-DeVol
    Oct 1, 2018 12:34

    Really creative set-up! I think fire tornadoes are awesome and this is a neat way to recreate a very pure (and much safer) fire vortex.

  • Joseph Ryan
    Oct 1, 2018 12:33

    This is such a cool experiment. I love the physics of it as well as the contrast of the picture. The pure black background really enhances the blue. I’m curious as to why there appear to be segments in the flame, with those slightly brighter blue lines going horizontally across.

  • Hana Kieger
    Oct 1, 2018 12:33

    Really awesome! Nice job editing the photo to just have the flame against the black background. The flow of the vortex is very evident in the image.

  • Bradley Busek
    Oct 1, 2018 12:33

    This is a really cool effect! I really like how there is no distraction from the background, it’s just the twirling flame. Great job.

  • Ibrahim Alhajj
    Oct 1, 2018 12:32

    Cool image. The flame looks nice. I like the blew color flame. Great work on twisting the flame while taking the picture. nice work

  • This photo is almost as perfect as it could be as far as an isolated image on a black background. The actual flame is a tad small in the image, but it isn’t really an issue. I love the swirl in the flame.

  • Garrett Gerchar
    Oct 1, 2018 12:31

    Super clear flame! Really like the swirling in the image, how did you induce the spiral? Love the pop of the flame on the black background.

  • Winston Douglas
    Oct 1, 2018 12:25

    awesome color on the flame, the blue flame and the black background really make for a good pop to the image. I also like how the flame looks like its being swirled.

  • This image reminds me of a nicely colored flower vase. The flame gives an almost vortex feel as it moves up the image. I really like the curvature captured against the sharp black background, nicely done!

  • Brent Eckles
    Sep 28, 2018 12:35

    Like the nice contrast of the blue flame with the absolute black background. The spiraling upward of the flame gives a nice shape to the photo.


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