Interesting effect of the ferrofluid being drawn to two locations by competing magnets. I like the reflection in the pool of ferrofluid below. The removal of the background looks a little harsh however.
This is a very cool dynamic twist on the classic ferrofluid spike images. I really like the new route you’ve taken. There is a balance to this image. It feels similar to the “Creation of Adam” painting by Michelangelo on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. I also really like the colors that remained in this image, from the creamy white background to some orange reflecting in the ferrofluid. Great job!
This image looks like it could have been concept art or even the poster for a sci-fi film.This image is absolutely awesome. The more one looks at it, the more it comes alive and reflects the fluorescence of the background lighting. As for artistic merit, I would consider this image to have a great reaction look to it; it almost feels like two beings or two planets fighting one another. This image was a very very wll done.
Fascinating Image! The still has a strong sense of the interaction between the magnets, with phenomenal background separation. It reminds me of the Creation of Adam, but with ferrofluids. Great editing work
Nice work capturing really interesting dynamics. I like how you used two magnets to get the fluid moving from one to the other. Although cropping the image helps focus on the ferrofluid dynamics, I find the original image more artistic because your focus is so sharp on the subject that the rest of the image serves as nice frame.
Great image. I like the use of post processing to really highlight the detail of the flow that is occurring. The edges are crisp and the lighting is done well.
Some kind of weird effects going on around the edges of the flow. Possibly consider cropping out the bottom it distracts away from the main flow. Contrast from the black ferrofluid and background is nice.
14 Comments. Leave new
Interesting effect of the ferrofluid being drawn to two locations by competing magnets. I like the reflection in the pool of ferrofluid below. The removal of the background looks a little harsh however.
This is a very cool dynamic twist on the classic ferrofluid spike images. I really like the new route you’ve taken. There is a balance to this image. It feels similar to the “Creation of Adam” painting by Michelangelo on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. I also really like the colors that remained in this image, from the creamy white background to some orange reflecting in the ferrofluid. Great job!
This image looks like it could have been concept art or even the poster for a sci-fi film.This image is absolutely awesome. The more one looks at it, the more it comes alive and reflects the fluorescence of the background lighting. As for artistic merit, I would consider this image to have a great reaction look to it; it almost feels like two beings or two planets fighting one another. This image was a very very wll done.
Fascinating Image! The still has a strong sense of the interaction between the magnets, with phenomenal background separation. It reminds me of the Creation of Adam, but with ferrofluids. Great editing work
Nice work capturing really interesting dynamics. I like how you used two magnets to get the fluid moving from one to the other. Although cropping the image helps focus on the ferrofluid dynamics, I find the original image more artistic because your focus is so sharp on the subject that the rest of the image serves as nice frame.
i like the nice sharp lines of the fluid contrasting with the background. Nice setup to make this work.
Great image. I like the use of post processing to really highlight the detail of the flow that is occurring. The edges are crisp and the lighting is done well.
Some kind of weird effects going on around the edges of the flow. Possibly consider cropping out the bottom it distracts away from the main flow. Contrast from the black ferrofluid and background is nice.
Great detail and focus. I like how one of the spikes is connected to both flows. Good contrast between the white background and black ferrofluid.
Love how clear the image is. Very nicely in focus. Love how the bottom chunk of fluid is reaching up to the top one.
The lighting on the tips are very interesting, the streaking in the bowl is neat as well.
Beautiful image!! I love the colors and contrast. The depth of field is ok but i love the foreground focus.
This image has amazing lighting and clearly demonstrates the flow between two magnets. The focus is also right on the fluid flow.
Really cool photo! really impressive how small the filament going to the top magnet. I like how you had the filament in crisp focus!