I like this photo a lot. there is a really interesting set up on this photo, which is a very interesting method for setting up this photo. Nice work with the photo here.
Interesting effect of the ferrofluid being drawn to two locations by competing magnets. Good job isolating the fluid in the image from the background. It looks like you had some trouble with the focus. If you used autofocus the focusing system probably picked the closest object, the metal part, and not the fluid. A little adjustments manually can be necessary in cases like this.
This is a very cool dynamic twist on the classic ferrofluid spike images. I really like the new route you’ve taken. There is a balance to this image. It feels similar to the “Creation of Adam” painting by Michelangelo on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Nicely done!
Really cool phenomenon. Great job capturing this. My only feedback would be to keep all portions of the flow in the same focus plane of your camera. It seems like the top magnet might be a little farther back than the bottom magnet.
7 Comments. Leave new
I like this photo a lot. there is a really interesting set up on this photo, which is a very interesting method for setting up this photo. Nice work with the photo here.
Very cool black and white image. Nice capture of the ferrofluid. No distracting elements. Big difference from the original image. Well done.
Cool photo, good clean crisp focus. I like the black and white, and the lighting. Nice!
Interesting effect of the ferrofluid being drawn to two locations by competing magnets. Good job isolating the fluid in the image from the background. It looks like you had some trouble with the focus. If you used autofocus the focusing system probably picked the closest object, the metal part, and not the fluid. A little adjustments manually can be necessary in cases like this.
This is a very cool dynamic twist on the classic ferrofluid spike images. I really like the new route you’ve taken. There is a balance to this image. It feels similar to the “Creation of Adam” painting by Michelangelo on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Nicely done!
I like how in this image, two magnets are used to display the tension in the fluid flow. Both magnets are trying to fight for the ferrofluid
Really cool phenomenon. Great job capturing this. My only feedback would be to keep all portions of the flow in the same focus plane of your camera. It seems like the top magnet might be a little farther back than the bottom magnet.