The above image features some food coloring diffusing into a body of water. The water is pale and milky due to mixing with a layer of oobleck beneath. The pale background of the water provides a great canvas for the diffusion of the food coloring, providing a stark visual difference. From the dark color in the center, it is easy to tell which point the dye originated from, spreading outwards and upwards in ribbon-like patterns. Due to the cold temperature of the water, the food coloring has a harder time mixing with the water initially. Therefore, the droplet sinks to the bottom of the water layer before breaking and beginning to diffuse throughout the fluid.
Photo Camera Settings:
Cannon EOS 1500D (T7 Rebel)
F 5.6
1/640 Shutter
Michael Becerra for assisting in taking the photo and experimental set-up
2 Comments. Leave new
Hey Bradley!
I love the color gradient in this image. You can really see how the fluid disperses within the vessel with the small jets and vortices that fly off. Great job!
I like the contrast between the colors in this image. The use of oobleck for this was really creative — I love the milky character of the water.