Wave Formation

Wave Formation

This image, taken by Trevor Pottelberg during an early morning storm at Lake Erie eloquently captures the simultaneous chaos and beauty of the natural world. Artistically, the slight grain and high clarity combined with highlighted coloring makes for a symbolic and stunning image. Scientifically, this wave was driven by a combination of shallow water and very high winds creating enough friction to crash enormous amounts of water into each other. These forces propagate down to the lake bed to crest and swell into the turbulent formation highlighted in the image.

Credit: https://www.trevorpottelberg.com/warehouse/art_print_products/rise-of-gold?product_gallery=35409&product_id=5453108

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4 Comments. Leave new

  • Travis Smith
    Sep 9, 2024 22:40

    Second: I love how the sun perfectly illuminates the wave, adding brilliant color to the image. Also, the film grain adds a very unique feeling to the image.

  • Quintin Smith
    Sep 8, 2024 22:01

    First Prize: A stunning photo showing the turbulence and chaos of the ocean. I’ve always loved these pictures, but this one is by far my favorite as I’ve always enjoyed the beauty in chaos, especially in this fluid flow example.

  • Peter Booras
    Sep 8, 2024 11:40

    First Prize: This picture is awesome, when I saw it on the main page I thought it was a mountain however, after I blew it up I saw it was a wave! Super cool picture.

  • Jessica Vo
    Sep 6, 2024 12:26

    First Prize: I liked this image the most because it captures how there is such beautiful natural formations and flow in nature/science.


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