Peter Davis, Jakob Anderegg, Kerylyn Lay, David Oakley, and Brayden Hass.
Ferrofluid climbs a magnetized steel sculpture. The ferrofluid concentrates the magnetic field, resulting in the spike instability. More information | 
David Oakley, Peter Davis, Kerylyn Lay, Jakob Anderegg, Brayden Hass.
Ferrofluid climbs a spiral magnetized object More information | 
Jakob Anderegg, Peter Davis, Kerylyn Lay, David Oakley, and Brayden Hass.
Ferrofluid climbs a magnetized steel sculpture. The ferrofluid concentrates the magnetic field, resulting in the spike instability. More information | 
Brayden Hass, Jakob Anderegg, Peter Davis, Kerylyn Lay, David Oakley.
Ferrofluid from a shallow pool displays the normal field instability due to magnets above and below. More information | 
Kerylyn Lay, Jakob Anderegg, Peter Davis, David Oakley, and Brayden Hass.
Ferrofluid from a shallow pool displays the normal field instability due to magnets above and below. More information |

Ryan Kelly, Andrew Fish, Doug Schwichtenberg, Nicholas Travers, George Seese
A 4 inch diameter ring holding a soap film was rotated to achieve varying thicknesses, and thus colors. More information |  Shades Douglas Schwichtenberg, Ryan Kelly, Andrew Fish, Nicholas Travers, George Seese.
The film darkens at the top as the soap film thins due to gravity. The thickness of the film is estimated to be from 300nm down to 100nm. More information | 
George Seese, Nicholas Travers, Ryan Kelly, Andrew Fish, Doug Schwichtenberg.
A 4 inch diameter ring holding a soap film was rotated to achieve varying thicknesses, and thus colors. More information |  Critical Fall Nicholas Travers, Ryan Kelly, Andrew Fish, Doug Schwichtenberg, George Seese
In a draining soap film, an instability develops between the extremely thin black soap film area and the slightly thicker silver area below, just before the film breaks. More information | 
Andrew Fish, Doug Schwichtenberg, Ryan Kelly, Nicholas Travers, George Seese
The thickness variations of a soap film are revealed by light interference. More information |

Amanda Childress, Andrew Tycksen, Ankit Sharma, Jacob Wright, Qian Li.
Triple bubble in an Ooze Tube More information | 
Andrew Tycksen, Amanda Childress, Ankit Sharma, Jacob Wright, Qian Li.
An air bubble rises in an 'Ooze Tube' as viscous fluid exits below. More information | 
Ankit Sharma, Jacob Wright, Andrew Tycksen, Amanda Childress, Qian Li.
An air bubble rises in an 'Ooze Tube' as viscous fluid exits below. More information | 
Qian Li, Amanda Childress, Andrew Tycksen, Ankit Sharma, Jacob Wright.
An air bubble rises in an 'Ooze Tube' as viscous fluid exits below. More information | 
Jacob Wright, Andrew Tycksen, Amanda Childress, Ankit Sharma, Qian Li.
An air bubble rises in an 'Ooze Tube' as viscous fluid exits below. More information |

Mitchell Stubbs, Sam Sommers, Ernesto Grossmann, Hamed Yazdi, Joshua Hecht
Flaming gasoline drips off a knife and ingites a balloon filled with butane, filmed at 1000 frames per second. More information | 
Ernesto Grossmann, Sammuel Sommers, Mitchell Stubbs, Hamed Yazdi, Joshua Hecht
Flaming gasoline drips off a knife and ingites a balloon filled with butane. More information | 
Sam Sommers, Ernesto Grossmann, Mitchell Stubbs, Hamed Yazdi, Joshua Hecht
Flaming gasoline drips off a knife and ingites a balloon filled with butane, filmed at 1000 frames per second. More information | 
Nathan Amack, Travis Brown
Diet Coke + 3 Mentos = Rapid Expansion More information |  Free Coke Assumption Travis Brown, Nathan Amack
A 2 L bottle of Diet Coke and 4 Mentos. More information |

Nicholas Shearon, Hayley Schneider, Jeremy Baugh, Gregory Lundeen, Scotty Hamilton,
Saffman-Taylor fingering occurs as air is pulled into shampoo, as two plates are pulled apart. More information | 
Scotty Hamilton, Hayley Schneider, Jeremy Baugh, Gregory Lundeen, Nicholas Shearon
Saffman-Taylor fingering occurs as air is pulled into shampoo, as two plates are pulled apart. More information |  Viscous Lightning Hayley Schneider, Jeremy Baugh, Gregory Lundeen, Nicholas Shearon, Scotty Hamilton,
Saffman-Taylor fingering occurs as air is pulled into shampoo, as two plates are pulled apart. More information | 
Jeremy Baugh, Gregory Lundeen, Hayley Schneider, Nicholas Shearon, Scotty Hamilton,
A jet of dyed water impinges on a rotating pool of mineral oil. Colors enhanced in postprocessing. More information | 
Gregory Lundeen, Hayley Schneider, Jeremy Baugh, Nicholas Shearon, Scotty Hamilton,
A Newtonian fluid jet of mineral oil bounces when it impinges on a rotating surface due to non-coalescence. More information |

Alyssa Berg, Aaron Coady, Nick Cote, Guy Casavan and Sreyas Krishnan
A vortex ring of stage fog was puffed out of a circular orifice. More information | 
Sreyas Krishnan, Alyssa Berg, Aaron Coady, Nick Cote, Guy Casavan.
A vortex ring of stage fog was puffed out of a square orifice. More information | 
Devin Ohmart and group
A vortex ring of stage fog was puffed out of a circular orifice. More information | 
Guy Casavan, Alyssa Berg, Aaron Coady, Nick Cote and Sreyas Krishnan
A vortex ring of stage fog was puffed out of a circular orifice. More information | 
Aaron Coady, Alyssa Berg, Nicholas Cote, Guy Casavan, Sreyas Krishnan
A vortex ring of stage fog was puffed out of a square orifice. More information |

Nicholas Cote, Aaron Coady, Alyssa Berg, Guy Casavan, Sreyas Krishnan
A stage fog vortex ring, mirrored and color inverted. More information | 
Preston Wheeler, Colin Stewart, Emily Howard, Travis Brown, Josh Lester.
Laminar flow over a submerged triangular obstacle becomes turbulent in the wake. More information | 
Emily Howard, Travis Brown, Josh Lester, Colin Stewart, Preston Wheeler
Colliding waves break in a flume. More information | 
Josh Lester, Colin Stewart, Preston Wheeler, Emily Howard, Travis Brown.
Air pockets form in the wake of flow over a weir in a flume. More information | 
Colin Stewart, Emily Howard, Travis Brown, Josh Lester, Preston Wheeler
Laminar flow over a broad-crested weir. More information |
 Injected Art Anthony Johnson
A dense, dyed saltwater jet falls through fresh water to mix at the bottom. More information | 
Michael Chilton
A liquid laundry detergent was squeezed into a yellow pearlescent ink to create the Saffman-Taylor fingering instability in a Hele-Shaw cell. More information | 
Benjamin Pacheco Jennie Jorgenson, Alexander Ting, Joshua Smith, Nathaniel Amack.
A stream of water conducts laser light due to total internal reflection. More information | 
Alexander Ting
Water impinging in a sink scatters laser light. More information | 
Joshua Smith, Jennie Jorgenson, Alexander Ting, Nathaniel Amack, Benjamin Pacheco.
Projection from laser shining through a droplet of pond water suspended from a hypodermic needle. More information |

Nick Beato
Stage fog bubbles through water, illuminated by a red laser. More information | 
Jeff Byrne and Aaron Coady
Soap bubbles on a wet hand. More information | 
Joshua Hecht, Mitch Stubbs, Hamed Yazdi, Ernesto Grossman, and Sam Sommers.
A baseball dropped into a container of water creates a turbulent splash, filmed at 400 frames per second. More information | 
Hamed Yazdi, Samuel Sommers, Joshua Hecht, Ernesto Grossman, Mitchell Stubbs
Droplet impact on water, filmed at 1000 frames per second. More information | 
Jennie Jorgenson, Alexander Ting, Joshua Smith, Nathaniel Amack, Benjamin Pacheco.
A clockwise bathtub vortex in the northern hemisphere, seen with food dye. More information |